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Consciousness, Acrylic
Kim calls this work as tapping into our sacred potential. Every human being has levels of awareness which are directly proportional to the vibrations and flow of energy within one self.
The birth of this series was to share her response to life altering experiences, that changed her in significant ways. When she finally took the leap of awareness in the presence of genuine support, that authentic experience broke all patterns for her and she started to experience life in a different light. How all those elements react with each other and played along is what she has tried to visually express. During that journey she decides to direct her mind, soul and being towards positivity, that brings her infinite abundance of creativity and life. Understanding that all one needs is love, unconditional love, love for oneself and love for others. In this series of work Kim uses acrylic as the base on canvas, along with brush and palette knife as the tools and gestural abstraction as the technique.

Acrylic    27.5 x 27.5 x 0.78